Monday, October 27, 2008

Oh Great, Company Policy Changes

This was sent to all employees at my company.

Notice to All Employees
As of November 5, 2008, when President Obama is officially elected into office, our company will instill a few new policies which are in keeping with his new, inspiring issues of change and fairness:
1. All salespeople will be pooling their sales and bonuses into a common pool that will be divided equally between all of you. This will serve to give those of you who are underachieving a "fair shake."
2. All low level workers will be pooling their wages, including overtime, into a common pool, dividing it equally amongst yourselves. This will help those who are "too busy for overtime" to reap the rewards from those who have more spare time and can work extra hours.
3. All top management will now be referred to as "the government." We will not participate in this "pooling" experience because the law doesn't apply to us.
4. The "government" will give eloquent speeches to all employees every week, encouraging it's workers to continue to work hard "for the good of all."
5. The employees will be thrilled with these new policies because it's "good to spread the wealth." Those of you who have underachieved will finally get an opportunity; those of you who have worked hard and had success will feel more "patriotic."
6. The last few people who were hired should clean out their desks. Don 't feel bad, though, because President Obama will give you free healthcare, free handouts, free oil for heating your home, free foodstamps, and he'll let you stay in your home for as long as you want even if you can't pay your mortgage. If you appeal directly to our democratic congress, you might even get a free flatscreen TV and a coupon for free haircuts (shouldn't all Americans be entitled to nice looking hair?) !!!
If for any reason you are not happy with the new policies, you may want to rethink your vote on November 4th.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Addison is going to be a naughty girl I think...

Addison has been quite the active baby in utero. So yesterday afternoon around 2 when she had not made much movement all day (even after eating lunch and lying on my left side for a while), I got a bit concerned and called my OB to see if I should be seen. I got an appointment to be seen 40 minutes later.

The heartbeat was normal using the fetal stethoscope. (I am certain there is a medical term for this, but surprisingly it is one that I do not know, so I'm calling it a fetal stethoscope.) I was then hooked up to a monitor for a fetal nonstress test (or NST). In order to pass that test, Addison was to have two spikes in her heartbeat along with uterine movement concomitantly in a 20 minute time period. She only had one of those such spikes.

So I was sent to St. Johns to labor and delivery to be hooked up to the NST monitor again until I could be seen for a biophysical profile (or BPP, which is an ultrasound to detect certain movements and measure amnoitic fluid). My OB told me that if I scored an 8/8 I was good to go home, a 6/8 would most likely mean daily monitoring, and anything less than that "we'd have to have a talk," meaning possible induction STAT. Well thankfully when I was hooked up for the NST in the hospital, Addison decided to wake up and move about like nothing had ever happened. Why she couldn't do that a few hours previous is beyond me! My OB still wanted me to have the BPP anyway just to ensure Addison wasn't being asphyxiated in anyway. I, or rather Addison, scored an 8/8, and we were good to go home.

After the incident, Trevor and I decided we needed to get our butts in gear and pack those overnight hospital bags that were supposed to be packed a few weeks ago. So we went to Target, spent over $160, and came home and crashed. We can now say that, except for the car seat not being in the car yet, we are now as ready as we can get for whenever Addison does join us. We are hoping sooner rather than later at this point.

Lessons learned:
1. Addison is a very sleepy girl. She takes after her mommy.
2. Addison is a very naughty girl for scaring us like that. She takes after her daddy.
3. If you need confirmation of the gender, just tell your OB you haven't felt the baby to get another ultrasound. Addison is indeed a girl.

Extra information:
On a side note, I was dilated to 1 cm at my regularly scheduled appointment on Monday.

Since the two people closest to me (my husband and Beth) seem to disagree with which parent is the naughtiest, we are going to have a poll. Please see the upper right hand corner of our blog and vote accordingly. Thank you.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

She's a comin...

Just a quick note to update on Addison's journey. She has dropped significantly. Though I am not dilated yet, her head is sitting right on my cervix. Makes for an abundance of trips to the bathroom each night! I'm down to weekly appointments now, so the time is getting near. It sounds as though I am right on schedule with my due date (but we all know how that goes--plus I have a feeling I'm going to be late--it's just the luck I have). I've had three wonderful baby showers so far (one more to go), and we have been blessed with such wonderful gifts from our friends and family. Addison is very spoiled already. I feel ready about as ready as I can...well I guess I will after our birthing class this weekend. The nursery/office/my mom's library/Trevor's closet (yes, it's a multipurpose room) is ready for her, and we can't wait to meet her.