Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My new thing...

I recently decided that I love finding new acoustic versions of cover songs. Last night I caught the end of AI and saw David Cook performing an acoustic version of Billie Jean (one of my favs from the 80s). So it sent me on a quest to find the song (which was performed originally by Chris Cornell) which showed me a whole new world of people who rewrite famous songs into acoustic covers. I was looking around today and found a few really cool ones...some where cool cause they were just well done while others were just straight up entertaining!!

Here is one of the more entertaining ones:

Meanwhile, this one was just pretty dang sweet!! I love that they showed the actual video to show how it matches up just perfect!!

I hope you all enjoy checking these videos out...I find it amazing that someone can hear a song like Hey Ya by Outkast and make it into a sweet acoustic song that still can keep my attention!!

I hope you all had a great night...I am glad that Syesha made it through another cut. I am not really watching AI, but I am keeping up with the results from time to time and she was one of people I kinda liked.


Phil said...

Well, I am watching AI, I'll admit it. I'm rooting for David Cook because I always wonder what he's going to do next. Usually it's awesome. I'm rooting for Carlie too.

I want someone to beat David Artachoke into a little fetal position. He's such a giant wuss and I hope he gets run over by a car. Plus his song last night sucked. I was so happy!

It's too bad for Chikesie. His first beatles song was sooo good!

I liked both the youtube vids you posted too. I look forward to more, along with your top ten list. Bring it!!!

Meghan Rasmussen said...

Brooke to the end.

Unknown said...

I like David cook too...I think for me it would be Syesha, David Cook and Brooke though I really don't see Brooke winning it. I think Cook has the upper hand right now and its going to be his to lose. I could totally see myself jamming to his record and there are VERY few idol people i would say that for.

Rachel said...

I am a big David Cook fan too. I like him and brooke the best. I loved Billie Jean (also one of my faves from the 80s). When I was working with my badn, we were going to do that Obadiah Parker version of Hey Ya -- I, too, think people who can do that are very talented! I would never think to do that to those songs!

Michelle said...

i like the acoustic version of Hey Ya WAYYY better than the real version. what a cool guy.