Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Results Are In!

I know many of you have been eagerly and patiently awaiting the results of the pet contest that Obie was in on Sunday. We got a knock on the door today, and it was the person who sponsored the party. She delivered Obie his very own giftcard to Petsmart! YAY! Don't tell Obie because he might be disappointed, but he only got second place. But STILL, HE WON. Now he can be spoiled with more new clothes or beds or something of the like since he can't have treats anymore.


Beth said...

Thanks for the good laugh! That is so silly and fun and totally something you would do. :)

Krista, Bill, Eliya & Logan Kurtzweil said...

Yay Obie!!! Check out myspace or facebook soon 'cause I'll have Eliya and Mocha, aka Little Miss Muffet and the Spider, pictures up :o)

Hopefully we'll see you Friday. :o)

Phil said...

Do you hear that knocking on your front door? That's your diginty, it wants back into your life Trevor.

You cannot be excited about dressing up your dog in costume ever! For any reason whatsoever. I give you the jim rome manuel buzzer.


Oh, btw, happy halloween to you both!

Unknown said...

For the record...PHIL...that was Meghan posting that blog! But hey anytime I win ANYTHING I am proud. I won bulls tickets at work the other day and didn't even want them, but sure was proud to have won!! Happy Halloween to you too!

Jennifer Mulvihill said...

This is great! Obie is so fabulous--a shoe-in for winner! I was just chatting with the Mulvihills about buying a litter of yorkies and each taking one... :)